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Possible Genetic Basis for Autism Discovered

October 7, 2016

Tags: Medical Research, Press Releases

This breakthrough by BGU researchers could help lead to earlier diagnosis of the mysterious disorder.

Helping Breastfeeding Mothers Diagnose Pain

October 6, 2016

Tags: Medical Research, Press Releases

BGU researchers find a novel, easy way to help new mothers target and alleviate breastfeeding pain quickly.

2020 Vision Fundraising Campaign Launched

September 29, 2016

Tags: Leadership, Awards & Events, Press Releases

The worldwide $500 million campaign launched with a surprise performance by Fiddler on the Roof cast members.

The Science Behind Walking in Someone Else’s Shoes

September 19, 2016

Tags: Press Releases, Social Sciences & Humanities

A BGU researcher uses fMRI to show how taking another's perspective can change your own emotional response.

New Study Uncovers Gene That Could Lead to ALS Therapies

September 12, 2016

Tags: Medical Research, Press Releases

Modulating the "MIF" gene could play a role in treating the illness also known as Lou Gehrig's disease.

Toni Young Elected Americans for Ben-Gurion University President

September 9, 2016

Tags: Leadership, Awards & Events, Press Releases

"I'm particularly thrilled to serve during the BGU 2020 Vision 50th Anniversary Campaign," she says.

Children on Cell Phones in Danger Crossing the Street

August 29, 2016

Tags: Press Releases, Robotics & High-Tech

Using virtual simulation, BGU researchers raise concerns about child-pedestrians.

BGU Student-Created Technology Used at Rio Olympics

August 11, 2016

Tags: Business & Management, Press Releases

The app, "SayVU," sends a distress signal to an emergency hotline without having to access it.

BGU Researcher Creates First Wave-Propelled Robot

August 2, 2016

Tags: Press Releases, Robotics & High-Tech

The new 3D-printed robot has applications in medicine, homeland security, and search and rescue.