
BGU researchers are on the verge of a breakthrough that is bringing the world closer to a cure for diabetes.

Researchers at BGU’s Clinical Islet Laboratory are pursuing three major goals: transplants and new drugs, gene therapy, and the creation of a “transgenic” mouse that can tolerate human material for experimentation. They’re working on new drugs based on the alpha-1-antitrypsin (AAT) protein that reduces inflammation. Recent clinical trials demonstrated that infusion of AAT in recently diagnosed type 1 diabetes patients could eventually eliminate the need for insulin injections. A new clinical trial is under way to evaluate AAT dosing levels and duration.

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Bedouin Women Face Obstacles to Access Healthcare

June 21, 2021

Tags: Negev Development & Community Programs, Social Sciences & Humanities

Interviews conducted by Haneen Shibli, a researcher at BGU, shed light on the difficulties Bedouin women run into when seeking medical care in Israel.

New Advice for Type 2 Diabetics: Drink Wine

January 30, 2019

Tags: Medical Research

A BGU study says that those with the disease might experience benefits if they drink wine in moderation.

A Better Way to Predict Diabetes Remission

December 17, 2018

Tags: Medical Research

BGU develops an advanced scoring method to help doctors predict type 2 remission following bariatric surgery.