Announcing the Dawn of a New Movement
At its core, the nonpartisan movement aims to strengthen ties between the American Diaspora and Israel. Americans for Ben-Gurion University opens its arms to those who believe the world is simply better off with Israel in it.
Total Protection for Online Pictures and Videos
Cyberattacks on pictures and videos pose a great threat, but one BGU researcher is changing that.
FINDing a More Accurate Needle
BGU is commercializing the FIND robotic needle, which uses ultrasound and robotics for guided vascular access.
Are Market Bubbles Caused by Traders’ Testosterone?
Research conducted at BGU shows that psychological momentum affects risk-taking among men but not among women.
Locking Thieves Out of Your Smartphone
BGU researchers have developed a technique that identifies a smartphone intruder in under 14 seconds.
An Innovative Way to Diagnose Sleep Apnea
BGU researchers have developed a speech and breathing sound analysis system that can work on a smartphone.
BGU Collaborates With ImageSat
The ultraspectral imaging system will have vast flight- and space-based remote sensing applications.
BGU and CyberSpark to Partner With MassTech
The agreement will drive joint research, training and academic exchanges between the two global cyber hubs.
PayPal and BGU Announce Cyber Security Research Collaboration
The new agreement further strengthens and extends the ongoing relationship between PayPal and BGU.
BGU Partners With U.S. Chamber of Commerce
BGU's Zuckerberg Institute sponsors and presents in U.S.-Israel business summit on water in Las Vegas.