
“It’s not enough to be up to date, you have to be up to tomorrow.”
– David Ben-Gurion

As Americans for Ben-Gurion University, we believe the future of Israel depends on excellence in higher education and research that is happening at BGU. We are Partners in the Remarkable.

Our Mission

Americans for Ben-Gurion University plays a vital role in sustaining David Ben-Gurion’s vision: creating a world-class institution of education and research in the Israeli desert, nurturing the Negev community, and sharing the University’s expertise locally and around the globe.

What We Do

Americans for Ben-Gurion University elevates awareness, strengthens donor bonds, and raises funds for the University and the Negev across the United States. We showcase BGU’s academic excellence and groundbreaking research to individuals, foundations, organizations, and the media. Activities include a series of educational programs and events, and informative digital and print communications that feature BGU’s world renowned faculty.

Your Connection to Israel from the United States

The pioneering spirit of Israel’s earliest founders still flourishes in Israel’s Negev region. Help support Ben-Gurion University’s oasis of innovation that is transforming the Negev and shaping the future of Israel.

Founded in 1972, Americans for Ben-Gurion University is a nonprofit organization with headquarters in New York City and professional representatives throughout the United States. Join our community of like-minded individuals that supports Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel’s youngest, most innovative university. Find out how you can get involved in Americans for Ben-Gurion University in your area.

Click on the image below to learn more about how we Partner in the Remarkable.

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