Announcing the Dawn of a New Movement
At its core, the nonpartisan movement aims to strengthen ties between the American Diaspora and Israel. Americans for Ben-Gurion University opens its arms to those who believe the world is simply better off with Israel in it.
A New Era in High-Tech Photography Dawns
BGU’s improved hyperspectral technology enables cameras to generate better images faster and cheaper.
Divers Take to Artificial Reefs
Artificial reefs are protecting coral habitats and attracting divers.
Opioid Epidemic Reaches New Level of Overdose Crisis
A new study reveals that deaths from overdoses in the U.S. have nearly doubled over the past seven years.
Early-Term Babies Are at Greater Risk for Diabetes
BGU research shows that babies born at 37 to 39 weeks have higher rates of diabetes and obesity later in life.
Cause for Male Infertility Discovered
Researchers from BGU and Soroka have identified a mutation in the gene TDRD9 that arrests sperm production.
VENµS Environmental Research Satellite Launched
The satellite will send images to a BGU lab that will aid in the conservation and protection of resources.
BGU Researcher Develops New 3-D Scanning Technique
Scans are made using a robotic arm and water, improving the quality of 3-D object production.
Treated Graywater Is Better for Irrigation
Treated graywater is better for crops and soil in arid lands than untreated graywater.
Americans for Ben-Gurion University’s New CEO to Begin in October
Doug Seserman, current head of the Jewish Federation in Denver, will become Americans for Ben-Gurion University's new CEO.