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BGU Cyber Security Experts Present in Davos

January 24, 2018

Tags: Leadership, Awards & Events, Press Releases

They addressed the positive and negative impact of artificial intelligence at the World Economic Forum.

Discovered Biomarker Predicts Post-Injury Epilepsy

December 21, 2017

Tags: Medical Research, Press Releases

BGU researchers discovered that brain waves can predict and potentially prevent epileptic seizures.

Safer Alternative to Smoking While Pregnant

December 11, 2017

Tags: Medical Research, Press Releases

Pregnant women who cannot quit smoking on their own should be recommended nicotine replacement therapy.

Hyperspectral Content for Cameras

December 7, 2017

Tags: Press Releases, Robotics & High-Tech

BGU-developed software will allow hyperspectral images and video to be captured on cameras and smartphones.

Your Scale Isn’t Giving You the Whole Picture

November 27, 2017

Tags: Medical Research, Press Releases

A BGU study used MRI to map body fat changes. Participants adhering to a Mediterranean diet fared healthier.

The Latest Poop From the Turkey Coop

November 20, 2017

Tags: Alternative Energy, Press Releases

BGU researchers find turkey excrement could be a viable renewable energy source for heat and electricity.

Vatican Cardinal Receives BGU Award

November 9, 2017

Tags: Leadership, Awards & Events, Press Releases, Social Sciences & Humanities

The international honor recognizes a religious person whose deeds reflect tolerance, hope and vision.

Anti-Cancer Drug Prices Increasing in the U.S.

October 31, 2017

Tags: Medical Research, Press Releases

A BGU study finds a steady rise in the costs of these medications over time regardless of competition.

San Antonio Mayor Visits BGU

October 24, 2017

Tags: Leadership, Awards & Events, Press Releases

Mayor Ron Nirenberg came to Beer-Sheva to explore future academic collaborations.

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