BGU and ASU Sign Research Agreement
BGU and ASU Sign Research Agreement
March 9, 2015
Homeland & Cyber Security, Press Releases
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) and Arizona State University (ASU) recently signed a research agreement that will allow for collaboration between researchers and students at the two universities.
Collaboration will take place on a number of areas of mutual interest and strength, including cyber security, homeland security, nanotechnology, robotics, community medicine, remote sensing, and sustainability.
“ASU and BGU are two universities that are growing along similar lines – from the natural environment in which they are based to their vision, strive for excellence, innovation, and community action,” says Prof. Dan Blumberg, BGU’s vice president and dean for research and development.
“The purpose of the project is to create a platform upon which to cultivate collaborations between researchers from both institutions that will lead to joint research proposals. Such proposals could open up new research horizons,” adds Blumberg.
Although BGU and ASU have worked together for a number of years, this engagement “has now risen to a much higher level,” says Stephen Feinson, associate vice president of ASU’s Global Office of Knowledge Enterprise Development. A study-abroad program between the two universities has been ongoing, and there are examples of additional connectivity: Prof. Blumberg completed his doctorate in planetary geology at ASU.
“ASU and BGU share many commonalities: innovation, similar geographic environments, locations in important urban centers, diverse student bodies, and complicated socioeconomic environments,” says Prof. Sethuraman (Panch) Panchanathan, ASU’s senior vice president of knowledge enterprise development. “Most importantly, we share a deep mutual commitment to understanding society’s biggest challenges at the local and global levels and developing next-level solutions.”
The partnership was sparked by the similarities between the two schools. Last summer, Dr. Michael Crow, ASU president, traveled to Israel and met with Prof. Rivka Carmi, BGU’s president, to discuss the partnership.
By supporting a world-class academic institution that not only nurtures the Negev, but also shares its expertise locally and globally, Americans for Ben-Gurion University engages a community of Americans who are committed to improving the world. David Ben-Gurion envisioned that Israel’s future would be forged in the Negev. The cutting-edge research carried out at Ben-Gurion University drives that vision by sustaining a desert Silicon Valley, with the “Stanford of the Negev” at its center. The Americans for Ben-Gurion University movement supports a 21st century unifying vision for Israel by rallying around BGU’s remarkable work and role as an apolitical beacon of light in the Negev desert.
About Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev embraces the endless potential we have as individuals and as a commonality to adapt and to thrive in changing environments. Inspired by our location in the desert, we aim to discover, to create, and to develop solutions to dynamic challenges, to pose questions that have yet to be asked, and to push beyond the boundaries of the commonly accepted and possible.
We are proud to be a central force for inclusion, diversity and innovation in Israel, and we strive to extend the Negev’s potential and our entrepreneurial spirit throughout the world. For example, the multi-disciplinary School for Sustainability and Climate Change at BGU leverages over 50 years of expertise on living and thriving in the desert into scalable solutions for people everywhere.
BGU at a glance:
20,000 students | 800 senior faculty | 3 campuses | 6 faculties: humanities & social sciences, health sciences, engineering sciences, natural sciences, business & management, and desert research.
For all press inquiries, please contact:
James Fattal, J Cubed Communications