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BGU’s Nature-Inspired Robots: Video

BGU’s Nature-Inspired Robots: Video

April 5, 2019

Robotics & High-Tech

Dr. David Zarrouk, director of BGU’s Bio-Inspired and Medical Robotics Lab and a lecturer in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, and his team are making robots that are inspired by nature.

“There is a lot for us to learn from the natural world,” says Dr. Zarrouk. “You can see animals jumping and crawling everywhere, and we try to learn from them how to move, how to crawl.”

One of his robots is designed to crawl inside the intestines for medical diagnosis and treatment, while another can enter collapsed buildings for search and rescue.

What’s next? Dr. Zarrouk hopes to add machine learning to his robots, enabling them to operate autonomously, without human input.

Watch his fascinating interview and demonstrations on i24NEWS.
