BGU is a Key Player in Israel’s Cyber Security Strategy
BGU is a Key Player in Israel’s Cyber Security Strategy
June 11, 2013
Business & Management, Homeland & Cyber Security, Negev Development & Community Programs, Robotics & High-Tech
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev is playing an important role in helping Israel develop world-leading expertise in the area of cyber security.
In 2012, BGU became the first Israeli university to offer graduate study tracks in cyber security, a joint initiative with the Departments of Information Systems Engineering and Computer Science.
“Our goal is to prepare graduates who can contribute to the national effort in cyber defense, and prepare Israeli researchers to lead world research in this area,” says Prof. Bracha Shapira, head of BGU’s Department of Information Systems Engineering.
Another major develpment is the planned move of the Israeli army’s elite technology units to the Advanced Technologies Park (ATP), adjacent to BGU’s Marcus Family Campus in Beer-Sheva. This will include the main cyber security training center of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF).
BGU was the founding force behind the ATP, in collaboration with the Israeli government and the Beer-Sheva municipality.
The ATP will also be the home of CyberLabs, Israel’s first cyber security incubator, established by BGU and its technology transfer company BGN Technologies in partnership with Jerusalem Venture Partners.
“The proximity of the new military campus and the new technology park with the cyber security incubator will boost the University both financially and in terms of research opportunities,” says. Prof. Shapira.
The Israeli government is also offering student scholarships of up to 300,000 shekels ($83,000) as part of a 50 million shekel program to promote research on protecting Israel’s networks and Web sites.
Read the full feature story on The Christian Science Monitor >>