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BGU Study Finds That Music is a Must For Young Drivers

BGU Study Finds That Music is a Must For Young Drivers

March 1, 2021

Research News, Social Sciences & Humanities

Microsoft News — In new data collected by BGU, it was found that out of the 140 young adults questioned, 80 percent said it was not only “difficult,” but sometimes “near impossible” to concentrate on traffic and road conditions without music playing.

Other findings, published in APA’s journal Psychomusicology: Music, Mind and Brain, include 97 percent of participants reporting they listened to many short songs on long trips, 65 percent played “fast-paced” music while driving to work, 76 percent listened to more “liberating” dance songs when on vacation or a trip, and 90 per cent played “upbeat” dance music on the way to a party.

Nearly all of the group revealed they stay in their car to hear the end of a song when they arrive at their destination.

However, the constant need for music in the car can lead to adverse driving conditions.

“To young drivers 18-29, music in the car isn’t just entertainment, it’s part of their autosphere whether they’re alone or not,” said Professor Warren Brodsky, director of the BGU Music Science Lab in the Department of the Arts. “They are so used to constant stimulation and absorbing great amounts of information throughout the day, that they don’t question how the type of tunes they play might affect concentration, induce aggressive behaviour, or cause them to miscalculate risky situations.”

Doug Seserman, Americans for Ben-Gurion University’s CEO, added: “Music is an essential, universal language which we can all appreciate. Undoubtedly, though, the concerns that stem from the results of this study are worth considering.”

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