BGU President Daniel Chamovitz Speaks on CNN
BGU President Daniel Chamovitz Speaks on CNN
October 16, 2023
CNN- Ben-Gurion University of the Negev’s President, Daniel Chamovitz, appeared on CNN This Morning Weekend on Sunday, October 15th to discuss how the university has been affected and adapting to help it’s community.
BGU’s recently created Resilience Center is providing immediate psychological and social counseling, temporary housing for those whose homes have been destroyed or declared unsafe, financial aid, and more. In addition, BGU’s IDF Reservist Program continues to provide resources to students called to the front lines.
President Daniel Chamovitz describes the horrific impact on the university’s community, “We have over 50 casualties, several students held hostage in the Gaza strip. Incredibly awful, grotesque stories of a social worker, from our HR department, that she and her husband and her two daughters, burned to death in their cars — they were trying to escape, camping on the beach. At the same time, a story of resilience. Where the university has come together to be a logistics center for the entire south.”
Over 500 medical students began helping the Soroka Hospital, affiliated with the faculty of Health Sciences at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, whose campus is adjacent to the hospital, treating more than 900 victims. Some BGU medical students have not cared for victims with bullet wounds, but are now taking care of hundreds with them.
On a hopeful note, Chamovitz ends the interview with a message of positivity, “If we lose our humanity, then everything is lost. And if we can maintain our humanity, which we’re doing at Ben-Gurion University, in the face of such destruction, then that gives us hope for the future.”
Please help us provide necessary resources for Israeli students and their families in the wake of these unconscionable attacks on Israel. www.a4bgu.org/resilience