New Postage Stamp Marks BGU’s 50th Anniversary
New Postage Stamp Marks BGU’s 50th Anniversary
February 4, 2020
The Jerusalem Post – Ben-Gurion University of the Negev President Prof. Daniel Chamovitz presented a new postage stamp to Israel President Reuven Rivlin. The stamp commemorates BGU’s 50th anniversary and was officially launched on February 4, 2020.

Ben-Gurion University of the Negev President Prof. Daniel Chamovitz and Israel President Reuven Rivlin
It features a portrait of Israel’s first prime minister, David Ben-Gurion, as well as symbols representing the University’s fields of expertise, students and the DNA Bridge connecting the Marcus Family Campus to the Advanced Technologies Park.
Prof. Chamovitz also informed President Rivlin of the University’s expansion plans, including doubling the size of the University’s main campus in Beer-Sheva. He highlighted the University’s fields of excellence:
“Over and above BGU’s central role in promoting scientific research and development in Israel, the University is spearheading the integration of Israeli society’s disparate populations into higher education in the spirit of President Rivlin’s flagship program ‘Israeli Hope’.”
Ben-Gurion University was recently ranked 15th in the Nature Index of Young Universities, which ranks universities under 50 years old in the natural sciences.