Americans for Ben-Gurion University and BGU Presidents Accompany Shimon Peres to the White House
Americans for Ben-Gurion University and BGU Presidents Accompany Shimon Peres to the White House
June 29, 2012
Prof. Rivka Carmi, BGU’s president, and Americans for Ben-Gurion University President Alex Goren were invited by Israel’s President Shimon Peres to witness his receipt of the White House Medal of Freedom from President Barak Obama on June 13.
“It was such an incredible honor to be included in this momentous event to pay tribute to this important statesman,” Prof. Carmi said.
In addition to all President Peres has done for Israel, “he is an honorary member of our Board of Governors in recognition of the leadership role he has played in implementing David Ben-Gurion’s vision for the Negev region,” Carmi added.
Other invited Israeli notables included: Prof. Manuel Trachtenberg, an economic advisor appointed by Prime Minister Netanyahu to address the social needs identified by populous protests; Salim Joubran, the lone Israeli Arab justice of the Supreme Court; Meir Shamgar, a past president of the Supreme Court; and Dalia Rabin.
They were joined by American dignitaries: Senators Dick Luger, John Kerry and Chuck Schumer; Alan Dershowitz; Nobel laureate Prof. Elie Wiesel; former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright; Chief of Staff Jacob Lew; and Vice President Joe Biden. Former President Bill Clinton and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made a fashionably late but quiet entrance. In total, there were about 100 people in attendance.
President Obama spoke warmly and with great praise and admiration about Shimon Peres, the last survivor of Israel’s Old Guard, stressing the United States’ unwavering support of Israel and commitment to its safety. Peres talked at length about the urgent need for peace.
After the formal ceremony, “In an atmosphere resembling more a large family gathering, people were going from table to table to talk with friends and for photo opportunities with the many powerful and famous; even I ended up in a picture with a newly trim — and vegan — Bill Clinton,” Alex Goren recounted.
Following dessert, Itzhak Perlman suddenly appeared on stage to regale the special guests with a few superb musical pieces played on his magical Stradivarius.
“It was only awakening in a Washington hotel and seeing my nametag, a napkin and a menu, all with the White House insignia, that I realized it hadn’t been a dream,” said Goren.