The MSIH Prepares Doctors for Today’s Challenges
The MSIH Prepares Doctors for Today’s Challenges
January 6, 2017
Jewish Link of New Jersey — Ben-Gurion University’s Medical School for International Health (MSIH) is approaching 20 years of training doctors who are leaders in their fields. The English-language, four-year medical school incorporates global health into all four years of the curriculum.
Upon graduation, most students complete their residency in the United States. In 2016, MSIH students had a 95 percent success rate for those who entered the U.S. residency match.
In an ever-changing world, the study of global health medicine has become critical to the proper training of all physicians so they are prepared to treat diseases across international boundaries. As the first medical school to incorporate global health into all four years of the curriculum, the MSIH has been at the forefront of this course of study.
The first three years of study take place at the BGU campus. Students complete their third-year clinical work at Soroka University Medical Center, located right next to the University. Soroka is a state-of-the-art facility, servicing the entire Negev region, and boasts the highest birth rate in the country.
Students at the MSIH have the fortune to be in Beer-Sheva, a city of unprecedented growth. With the movement of many industry and military hubs to the Negev, Beer-Sheva now boasts the growth envisioned by the University’s namesake, David Ben-Gurion.
Fourth-year electives are often completed at Columbia University Medical Center and its affiliates, along with the University of Pennsylvania. This is followed by the capstone global health clerkship completed at underserved locales around the world.
For further information about the MSIH, please contact Beth Chesir, MSIH assistant director of admissions and external affairs ([email protected]).