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This Versatile Robot Does the Wave

This Versatile Robot Does the Wave

June 16, 2017

Robotics & High-Tech

CNN — By mimicking the mechanical locomotion of legless creatures like snakes, the SAW (single actuator wave) robot can scoot along on uneven terrain, climb walls and even swim. Created by Prof. David Zarrouk, a lecturer in BGU’s Department of Mechanical Engineering and head of the University’s Bio-Inspired and Medical Robotics Lab, SAW is 3-D printed, costs only a few dollars to build and can be scaled up or down, depending on the task at hand.

Larger versions could assist in pipe maintenance and search and rescue missions, while smaller versions could take photos or perform biopsies from inside the human digestive system.

“The robot requires barely any maintenance, which is very unusual for an almost completely 3-D printed prototype this dynamic,” says Prof. Zarrouk.