Ben-Gurion University Launches “Negev Prime” Program
Ben-Gurion University Launches “Negev Prime” Program
July 26, 2021 - Summarized from The Jerusalem Post
The Jerusalem Post — BGU is launching the Negev Prime program to teach students Amazon e-commerce skills.
The program is a project of the university’s Yazamut360 Entrepreneurship Center, and has the support of Bank Hapoalim and Mack Ness Fund of the Jewish Community Foundation of Greater MetroWest NJ (JCF), an organization that supports the economic and demographic development of the Negev.
“Negev Prime couldn’t be more perfectly named; it’s no secret that BGU is at the center of the Negev innovation ecosystem. By leveraging the region’s entrepreneurial talent, BGU is helping students succeed in building successful e-commerce businesses,” says Doug Seserman, chief executive office of Americans for Ben-Gurion University.
“As we at Americans for Ben-Gurion University like to say: Jerusalem represents Israel’s past, Tel Aviv represents current modern Israel, and the Negev represents the future. If you want to invest in the future of Israel and beyond, the Negev is the place to do that.”
Negev Prime will accept 48 applicants who will work on creating a private label store that will sell goods on Amazon. Private label products are developed by one company and sold under another company’s brand.
“After a successful pilot program, during which we helped students build their business and paved an independent business path in a growing field, the time has come to fulfill the dream of this program,” Or Santo, the program’s entrepreneur and director of ecosystems relationship at Yazamut360 said.
“[It’s time] to build a successful and fruitful community of e-commerce entrepreneurs in the Negev. Negev Prime will provide a quality response to the growing demand for practical tools in online commerce entrepreneurship among students and residents of the Negev in general.”
Registration is open for October 2021.