MSIH Announces Ben-Gurion Global Health Scholarship
MSIH Announces Ben-Gurion Global Health Scholarship
September 14, 2017
Leadership, Awards & Events, Press Releases
The Medical School for International Health (MSIH) at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) is pleased to announce the new Ben-Gurion Global Health Scholarship. The prestigious scholarship will be given to one outstanding medical student from anywhere in the world each year.
MSIH is a unique medical school that incorporates global health components into all four years of the core M.D. curriculum. It was one of the first programs worldwide to provide medical training for physicians to work in underserved populations in developing countries, rural areas, inner cities, and Israel’s Negev area with large numbers of Bedouins and immigrants.
The Ben-Gurion Global Health Scholarship will cover full tuition for the four years of the M.D. program, provided the student maintains satisfactory academic performance. Highly qualified applicants with an excellent academic track record and a demonstrated interest in global health will be considered. Decisions will be based on the applicant’s likely success in building a career at the intersection of medicine and global health.
“The need for medical training that addresses underserved populations has never been more important,” says Marvin Israelow, chair of the MSIH Advisory Committee of the American, Associates, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev national board of directors. “The selection committee looks forward to finding a highly deserving individual who will fulfill the mission of our pioneering program.”
Prospective students can submit a completed admissions application by January 8, 2018 to be considered for the Ben-Gurion Scholarship. The winner will be notified by February 16.
Applicants will be evaluated for this merit scholarship by a committee of world leaders in global health and medicine:
- Dr. Neil Schluger, professor of medicine, epidemiology and environmental health sciences and chief of the Division of Pulmonary, Allergy and Critical Care Medicine at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons
Deputy Chair
- Dr. Lynne Quittell, assistant director of admissions and student affairs at MSIH, and a pulmonologist at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons
- Michael J. Klag, dean of Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
- Babulal Sethia, president of the Royal Society of Medicine and consultant congenital heart surgeon at Royal Brompton Hospital, United Kingdom
- Heather Zar, chair of the Department of Pediatrics and Child Health, director of the School of Child and Adolescent Health at Red Cross Children’s Hospital at the University of Cape Town, South Africa
In addition to the new global health scholarship, MSIH also offers scholarships for students dedicated to the field of global health for both financial need and merit.
About the Medical School for International Health
The Medical School for International Health (MSIH) at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) is a unique medical school that incorporates global health components into all four years of the core M.D. curriculum. As a small and prestigious medical school, MSIH offers an M.D. program that teaches students in English and provides the training necessary to practice medicine while meeting the challenges of global health — and make a real impact. With three years of study and training in Israel, fourth-year electives in North America and an eight-week global health clerkship at one of many sites in underserved communities throughout the world, the M.D. program is designed to provide an exciting path to residency in the United States, Canada and elsewhere. MSIH match rates are more than 90 percent, on par with top U.S. medical schools. For more information, visit http://msih.bgu.ac.il/.
By supporting a world-class academic institution that not only nurtures the Negev, but also shares its expertise locally and globally, Americans for Ben-Gurion University engages a community of Americans who are committed to improving the world. David Ben-Gurion envisioned that Israel’s future would be forged in the Negev. The cutting-edge research carried out at Ben-Gurion University drives that vision by sustaining a desert Silicon Valley, with the “Stanford of the Negev” at its center. The Americans for Ben-Gurion University movement supports a 21st century unifying vision for Israel by rallying around BGU’s remarkable work and role as an apolitical beacon of light in the Negev desert.
About Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev embraces the endless potential we have as individuals and as a commonality to adapt and to thrive in changing environments. Inspired by our location in the desert, we aim to discover, to create, and to develop solutions to dynamic challenges, to pose questions that have yet to be asked, and to push beyond the boundaries of the commonly accepted and possible.
We are proud to be a central force for inclusion, diversity and innovation in Israel, and we strive to extend the Negev’s potential and our entrepreneurial spirit throughout the world. For example, the multi-disciplinary School for Sustainability and Climate Change at BGU leverages over 50 years of expertise on living and thriving in the desert into scalable solutions for people everywhere.
BGU at a glance:
20,000 students | 800 senior faculty | 3 campuses | 6 faculties: humanities & social sciences, health sciences, engineering sciences, natural sciences, business & management, and desert research.
For all press inquiries, please contact:
James Fattal, J Cubed Communications