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Into the Danger Zone

December 12, 2012

Tags: Homeland & Cyber Security, Robotics & High-Tech

A team of BGU scientists is taking part in a U.S. challenge to develop search and rescue robots.

BGU Awarded Grant to Develop Ultra Thin Night Vision Glasses

November 30, 2012

Tags: Homeland & Cyber Security, Nanotechnology, Press Releases

A team led by BGU received a $6.5 million grant to develop ultra thin night vision glasses.

Faculty Profile: Bracha Shapira

November 30, 2012

Tags: Homeland & Cyber Security, Robotics & High-Tech

Prof. Bracha Shapira, head of BGU’s Department of Information Systems Engineering, specializes in cyber security technologies that prevent data leakage and other online homeland security threats.

Israel’s First Cyber Security Incubator Established at BGU

November 28, 2012

Tags: Homeland & Cyber Security, Negev Development & Community Programs, Press Releases, Robotics & High-Tech

BGU and its technology transfer company, BGN Technologies, are expected to begin operations on Israel's first ever cyber security incubator in Beer-Sheva in 2013. The incubator program will be established in partnership with Israeli venture capital firm Jerusalem Venture Partners (JVP).

In a City Under Bombardment, BGU Students Volunteer to Help

November 20, 2012

Tags: Homeland & Cyber Security, Negev Development & Community Programs

BGU may be temporarily canceled, but its spirit of community has not been. As rockets rain on Beer-Sheva, students volunteer to help ease the trauma of the city’s residents and bring a little cheer into the increasingly stressful environment Research.

The Next Generation of Disaster Response Robots

November 12, 2012

Tags: Homeland & Cyber Security, Robotics & High-Tech

BGU researchers lead the only foreign university team in the U.S.-sponsored DARPA Robotics Challenge.

Evaluating Hospital Mass Casualty Preparedness

September 25, 2012

Tags: Homeland & Cyber Security, Medical Research, Press Releases

BGU researchers have developed a new evaluation model to study hospitals’ emergency preparedness.

BGU Offers New Graduate Program in Cyber Security

August 2, 2012

Tags: Homeland & Cyber Security, Press Releases

BGU offers master’s degree in information systems engineering with a specialization in cyber security.

New Facebook App to Detect “Unfriendly” Friends, Pedophiles ...

July 9, 2012

Tags: Homeland & Cyber Security, Press Releases, Robotics & High-Tech

Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) undergraduate students have developed a new privacy solution for Facebook. The Social Privacy Protector (SPP) can help parents adjust their children’s profiles in one click, prevent criminals from garnering valuable personal information and keep teens safe from pedophiles.

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